General Terms and Conditions

This document contains the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the „GBT“) of the internet shop, operated by Trendcharge s.r.o., with its registered office in Prague, Sudkova 553, 190 00 Prague, Company ID: 07009348.

These GTC regulate the relations between the contracting parties, on the one hand being Trendcharge s.r.o., with its registered office in Prague, Sudkova 553, 190 00 Prague, Company ID: 07009348,

on the other hand, there is a buyer, seller and / or candidate, who may be both a consumer and an entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as the „Customer“). The contract is concluded by acceptance of the order by the Seller, provided as a consumer, the special arrangements specified below also apply.

These GTC are an annex to all contractual arrangements entered into by Trendcharge s.r.o.

The basic provisions of the legal regulations of these GBT are Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code, as amended by the valid regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Civil Code”).

Complaints are governed by Trendcharge s.r.o. and valid and effective legal regulations of the Czech Republic.

General arrangements

All contracts are numbered and traceable under this number and connectable with the annexes. These are also kept in compliance with Act No. 499/2004 Coll., The Act on Archiving and Records Service and on the amendment of certain acts, as amended.

All prepayments made by the Customer are non-refundable, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Trendcharge s.r.o., whatever its designation in the contract, is not liable beyond the contractual arrangements for decisions of its contractors that are contrary to the contracts entered into. Company Trendcharge s.r.o. it cannot exert pressure on its contractors beyond the contractual and legal limits. By signing a contract with Trendcharge s.r.o. The above note.

Company Trendcharge s.r.o. concludes individual types of contracts with the Customer. In case the Customer is a consumer or entrepreneur, Trendcharge s.r.o. contracts based on the Civil Code. The contract is concluded by signing the contract by both parties.

Once the contract is concluded, it becomes binding on both parties and may be changed only by a written agreement of both parties or for reasons stipulated by law.

The contract is concluded in the Czech language. In case of a contract in another language, in the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation of the contract or terms contained therein, the interpretation of the contract in the Czech language shall apply.

These GTCs are available on the Seller’s website (, thus enabling their further archiving and reproduction as required by law.

The customer within the meaning of these GTC is the consumer or entrepreneur.

The consumer is a natural person who, when concluding and fulfilling the purchase contract with Trendcharge s.r.o. it is not acting in the course of its business or other business activity or in the course of its own occupation.

Consumer Legal Relationships with Trendcharge s.r.o. not directly regulated by these GTC are governed by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code and Act no. No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, both in its valid and effective wording and related regulations.

If the purchase contract is concluded by means of distance communication, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of receipt of performance, in accordance with Section 1829 (1) of the Civil Code. Withdrawal from the contract must be sent to the entrepreneur within the period specified in the previous sentence.

If the consumer wishes to withdraw from the contract according to the previous paragraph within 14 days, contact the Seller and preferably in writing that withdraws from the contract ideally indicating the order number (see invoice), tax document number (see invoice), code: variable symbol (see invoice), name and surname, contact phone, email address, bank account number / bank code (to refund the paid price) and reason for returning the goods (this information serves to improve the quality of services).

In the event that the consumer withdraws from the contract under the preceding paragraphs, the Seller shall return the funds received from the consumer (except for the amount representing the additional cost of delivery resulting from the Buyer’s chosen delivery method other than the cheapest standard delivery offered by the Seller) 14 days after withdrawal from the contract by the consumer, in the same way as the entrepreneur has accepted it from the consumer, unless the consumer specifies otherwise.

In addition to the general provisions of these terms and conditions, the following special provisions also apply to customers in the position of consumer. In the event of a conflict with the general terms and conditions of the GBTC, the special arrangements under this section shall always apply to the consumer.

A contract concluded by means of distance communication shall be deposited with the Seller. Upon the consumer’s request sent to the e-mail address a copy will be sent to the consumer.

Entrepreneur is a person registered in the Commercial Register, or a person doing business under a trade license, or a person doing business under a non-trade license under special regulations. As a buyer, the entrepreneur acts in the course of his business or other business activity. The customer is entitled to exercise his right to inquire with the competent inspection body.

Customer’s Legal Relationships with Trendcharge s.r.o., where the Customer is an entrepreneur that is not directly regulated by these GTCs or the agreement between Trendcharge s.r.o. and the Customer is governed by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code as well as related regulations. In the case of different arrangements in the GBC and in a specific written purchase contract, the text of the contract always prevails.

The customer, whether it be a consumer or an entrepreneur, by placing an order, signing a contract or depositing a financial amount to Trendcharge s.r.o. confirms that he / she has become acquainted with these GTC, whose integral part is the Complaints Procedure Code, that he / she agrees with them, in the wording valid and effective moment of his / her consent. Each Customer shall receive a copy of the GTC upon request.

Purchase price and payment method

All prices are negotiable. The online shop is always up to date and valid prices. In the case of ordering goods based on a general or partial purchase contract, the prices can be determined by an individual price list, which is valid for a specific Customer. In case the prices are not specified, the prices stated in the online shop apply. The goods are delivered with a tax document and delivery note.

The purchase price consists of the price of the ordered goods, including VAT, and other charges such as handling fee, recycling fee, cash on delivery fee, or. other fees stipulated by law, these terms and conditions or other terms and conditions set by the seller.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the handling fee shall mean the Seller’s costs for packaging, delivery of goods and handling necessary to secure the Seller’s obligations.

For goods weighing more than 30 kg or dimensions larger than the carrier specified by the carrier, the handling fee will be determined by the Seller according to the price list or individually for each delivery. The buyer will be informed about this price by phone or other means before the transport.

The purchase price for the goods or services can be paid in the following ways.

– bank transfer to Trendcharge s.r.o.

– via payment gateway at

– Cash on delivery

When paying by wire transfer, the order number or invoice – tax document, if sent to the Customer, will be used as a variable symbol.

In the case of a cashless payment, the customer will transfer funds for the purchase of goods or for the payment of services on the basis of an issued invoice to the account No. 115 – 7084070277/0100 kept with Komerční banka, as, Prague branch and in CZK. Payment can be made in Czech crowns or, in writing, to another agreed bank account also in euros.

The invoice may be sent electronically, by fax, by mail or otherwise. All prices shown on the website are final and include VAT.

In case of cancellation of the order or its part by the Seller (the goods are sold out), the paid purchase price (or its part) is sent back to the account number from which it was sent, usually within 30 days, unless the parties agree otherwise.

When paying by wire transfer, the variable symbol will be the order number or invoice – tax document, if sent to the Buyer.

The goods remain the property of the Seller until full payment and takeover, but the risk of damage to the goods passes to the Buyer upon receipt of the goods.

Ordering goods and services

The Buyer receives the goods and services at the prices valid at the time of ordering from the Seller. In the event that he / she acts as a consumer, the buyer has the opportunity to become acquainted with the total price including VAT and all other possible fees before placing the order. These must be stated together with the price in the order and also in the message confirming receipt of the order. The consumer also has the opportunity to find out how long the offer and price will be valid.

In the case of ordering services by the consumer, their price will be determined according to the valid price list, which is stated on the Seller’s website. In the case of ordering services by the buyer by the entrepreneur, the price will be determined in the framework purchase agreement and if not, the price will be the same as for the consumer, when its determination is the same, see above.

You can order goods or services in the following ways:

– through e-commerce at (hereinafter „eshop“)

– by e-mail at

– in person at the seller’s premises

The Seller recommends the Buyer to place orders via e-shop or via email communication.


The goods are insured during the transport.

Terms of delivery

The goods may only be taken over by the persons referred to in Article VII. of these GBT. The person must identify himself / herself sufficiently and prove his / her identity by a valid identity card or valid passport.

Goods can be delivered as follows:

– a commercial package delivered through a shipping company

– personal collection

Personal collection is possible after agreement with the employee of the contact center of the seller.

Delivery time for goods in stock is usually 2 working days after order confirmation.

Delivery time for goods not in stock is determined by agreement with the Seller.

For the delivered goods, the Seller does not assemble the goods unless the parties agree otherwise. The goods are assembled by the buyer at his own expense.

The goods are usually delivered on the basis of an agreement with the buyer to the so-called „foot of the house“. Goods are generally not delivered to the upper floors of the house, unless otherwise agreed. There is a fee for delivery to the upper floors, the amount of which is set by the Seller.

Damaged or incomplete shipment must be immediately notified by email to, write a damage report with the carrier and send it without undue delay by fax, email or mail to the seller. Any additional complaint of incompleteness or external damage to the shipment does not deprive the buyer of the right to complain, but gives the Seller the opportunity to prove that there is no conflict with the purchase contract.

Persons authorized to take over the consignment

The authorized person for taking over the consignment of goods is:

– the buyer as stated in the order

– persons who, as authorized to take over the consignment, are listed in the transport conditions according to the type of transport service chosen

VIII. Complaint

Complaints shall be governed by the Seller’s applicable Complaints Procedure and the applicable and effective legal regulations of the Czech Republic. The purchase document usually serves as a warranty card.

Contact center

Trendcharge sro, based in Prague, Sudkova 553, 190 00 Prague, ID: 07009348, tel: +420 737218604 (weekdays from 9:00 to 11:00 and 12:00 to 17:00) email: info @ (processing time is 48 working days from the day of delivery) web:

Opening hours for ordering goods through the seller’s online store is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Confidentiality of information

The Buyer grants the Seller permission to take a copy of the ID card or other submitted personal document in accordance with Section 15a of Act no. 328/1999 Coll., On identity cards, as amended, or. in accordance with Section 2 (3) of Act No. 329/1999 Coll., On Travel Documents, as amended, for the purpose of entering the Buyer into the Seller’s customer records.

The Seller declares that all personal data is confidential, will be used only for the internal use of the Seller and will not be disclosed, provided to a third party and all precautions will be taken not to misuse this information. Personal information is collected for business, logistic, statistical and marketing reasons.

The Seller undertakes to comply with Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on personal data protection also by other valid legal regulations of the Czech Republic. In the event that there is a legal fact on the basis of which the Seller will have to provide personal information about the Customer to a third party, the Seller undertakes to do so only after the prior approval of the Customer. It is not possible to provide any further information about the Customer without this consent.

The Buyer hereby grants its explicit consent to the collection and processing of personal data in connection with the registration, when the Seller is required by the Seller basic information, which will be further added after the binding order, and also for marketing purposes. This consent is granted by the buyer until his written statement of disagreement with this processing sent to the address Trendcharge sro, based in Prague, Sudkova 553, 190 00 Prague, Company ID: 07009348. The customer is entitled to request the deletion or correction of his personal data from the database led by the Seller.

Responsibility for defects

The Seller is liable for legal and other defects that the goods had at the time of transfer of the risk of damage to the goods, except for defects that the Buyer knew or had to know at the time of conclusion of the purchase contract, obvious defects.

The Seller shall not be liable for defects arising after the goods have been received by the Buyer and for defects to which the Buyer has been expressly notified.

The rights arising from liability for defects are not transferable to a third party and the Seller is only entitled to assert them against the Seller.

The Buyer is obliged to exercise the Seller’s liability for defects and to notify the Seller without undue delay after having discovered or could have found the defect with professional care, but in all cases, except for legal defects, within one year goods; otherwise their claims for liability for defects expire and cannot be asserted.

The provisions of Sections 2172 and 2173 of the Civil Code shall apply mutatis mutandis to the notification of a defect in accordance with the provisions of Section 2112 of the Civil Code, which is covered by the guarantee, and to exercise the right from defective performance.

XII. Withdrawal from the contract

If the contract was concluded using the means of distance communication, the buyer has the consumer under Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code right to withdraw from the contract without stating the reason and without any penalty within 14 days of receipt of performance.

The possibility of withdrawal within 14 days under paragraph 1 shall not apply in the following cases:

a) for the provision of services, if their performance was started with the consent of the consumer before the expiry of the period of 14 days from receipt of the performance,

(b) the supply of goods or services the price of which depends on fluctuations in the financial market, irrespective of the supplier’s will;

(c) the supply of goods, whether personalized or for the consumer’s wishes, as well as perishable, deteriorated or obsolete goods;

d) for the supply of audio and video recordings and computer programs (software) if the consumer has breached their original packaging,

By default, we refund your bank account, so please include your bank account number to which your money will be sent within 30 days. If you require a different refund, please contact us and let us know in writing.

The seller is entitled to withdraw from the contract if the buyer fails to pay the purchase price for the goods properly and on time. Furthermore, the Seller is entitled to withdraw from the contract if the Buyer fails to meet the conditions specified in the contract concluded between him and the Seller.

The buyer is entitled to withdraw from the contract if the legal reasons are fulfilled or if the conditions expressly agreed in the contract have not been met.

In case of withdrawal from the purchase contract for any reason stated in the law, in the contract or these GTC, the Seller and the Buyer are obliged to return the provided services to each other. This provision shall not apply to contractually agreed non-refundable advances and any contractual penalties.

In the event of withdrawal from the contract after receipt of the goods, the Seller shall refund to the Buyer the paid purchase price for the goods, as opposed to returning the goods to the Seller in its condition as received from the Seller, taking into account normal wear and tear. The Seller has the right to reduce the amount that he returns to the Buyer by contractually agreed non-refundable advances and contractual penalties.

Send the goods only as registered letter or parcel with the given price, not cash on delivery – it will not be accepted, to:

Trendcharge s.r.o., based in Prague, Sudkova 553, 190 00 Prague.

In the event that the Buyer fails to return to the Seller the goods in the condition in which he took it from the Seller, taking into account normal wear and tear, the Seller undertakes to pay to the Seller all costs of bringing the goods into the condition occurs; The Seller will be able to set off its claim for payment of these amounts against the claim for refund of the purchase price.

In case of withdrawal from the contract, the buyer is not entitled to claim liability for defects. The Buyer is not entitled to interest on the monetary amount returned to him by the Seller.

In the event that the buyer is an entrepreneur and the purchase contract has been concluded with him, the provisions contained therein shall prevail over the other provisions specified elsewhere.

If the buyer is an entrepreneur and the purchase contract has not been concluded with him, the provisions of § 2165 et seq. of the Civil Code, as amended, and the provisions of these GTC.

XIII. Final Provisions

Deviating arrangements contained in a contract between Trendcharge s.r.o. and the Customer take precedence over the provisions of these GTC.

Any agreement to amend the Purchase Agreement requires a written form and must be agreed by both parties.

All contractual relations between Trendcharge s.r.o. and the Customer are concluded in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic and governs in matters not expressly regulated by the contract or GBC Act No. 89/2012 Coll. 634/1992 Coll., On Consumer Protection and Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code, as amended and effective.

Relationships and any disputes arising under the contract will be settled exclusively under the applicable law of the Czech Republic and will be settled by the courts of the Czech Republic. This is without prejudice to cases where the Customer is a consumer and will have his habitual residence in a country other than the Czech Republic and the choice of law or prorogation of the court will not be permitted.

All contracts, especially the purchase contract, shall come into force and effect on the date of signature by both contracting parties. This day is also the day of the chargeable event.

The buyer is bound by the terms and conditions valid at the time of conclusion of the contract.

The buyer is aware that by purchasing the products that are in the seller’s commercial offer, he does not acquire any rights to use the registered trademarks, trade names, company logos or patents of the seller or other companies, unless otherwise agreed in a specific contract.

These GTC come into force and effect on 10 June 2019. The Seller reserves the right to change the GTC without prior notice. The change will be sent to e-mail contacts in the Seller’s client database.